thanks for your wonderful post. That you found an end game speaker that happily lives in the 2 worlds is wonderful, my old Apogees were pretty happy playing in the 2 worlds when space was restricted but in building a new house I designed a dedicated music/theatre room and had the luxury of putting separate systems in .. as well as a couple of Guitar amps, though I ran out of room to put the PA in as well .. Lol .. like you I have been thru a sh#% load of speakers over 48 years. In the end its just about enjoying your new system, there is always a better system out there somewhere. Take care.
thanks for your wonderful post. That you found an end game speaker that happily lives in the 2 worlds is wonderful, my old Apogees were pretty happy playing in the 2 worlds when space was restricted but in building a new house I designed a dedicated music/theatre room and had the luxury of putting separate systems in .. as well as a couple of Guitar amps, though I ran out of room to put the PA in as well .. Lol .. like you I have been thru a sh#% load of speakers over 48 years. In the end its just about enjoying your new system, there is always a better system out there somewhere. Take care.