Lector 7T and tube rolling

I'v got this nice CD player, but would like to have even smoother highs. It has originally CVC Chelmer valves (12AT7) and I wonder if old Mullards, RCA, Siemens or other NOS would change this?
Is it important to have NOS from the 60's or is tubes from the 80's almost as good?

In regards to my post to Ole, (which I thought was going to be an e-mail, I need to start following directions), After 100 hrs of fully powered up and about 50 hrs of playing cd's, the slight upper midrange edge is no longer there! I could not be happier with this player. Warm, musical and no digital glare at all. This player for the money, IMO, is a great value!
Here are my suggestions:
1. Isolate the CDP well, and it really means great differences in musical presentation. I put them atop a BDR Shelf with BDR cones, and that was much better than the Seismic Sink (older model) I have.
2. I tried many tubes. So far I like the Valvo 6201 (blue lable is a bit better than the white)and the cheap GE 5 star also gives a more lively sound. Siemens ECC81 or ECC801 gives a more linear sound with solid bass.
The distributor has spoken with people who have tried many, many different tubes. At the end of the day, the stock tubes turn out to be pretty darn good, which says Lector did their homework. As a new Lector dealer eagerly awaiting the CDP-7TL any day now, I'll be trying other tubes, along with isolation solutions.
...again,i read it's isolation sensitive. Did anyone experience imporovement by isolating the unit.If so, which way worled best?