Why would you want 100KHz flat response. You can’t hear it, your speakers cannot recreate, and if they could they would likely distort and modulate distortion to audible frequencies. 100KHz amps are mainly to ensure no phase shift in the audio band (and for marketing).
12 awg stranded only drops in resistance about 50% at 100KHz. You could just use 2- 12 awg stranded, maybe even 1 - 8awg stranded. 18 - 24 AWG would be just as good at 100Khz as 108-32awg and a lot less work.
We require perfect 100khz transient and micro aspects of said transients, to be as perfect as possible.
as our ears use tiny cilia to detect the micro gradients and macro gradients in complex transient expression, in time, over time.
100% of our hearing is tied up in this tiny area of the signal. In this manner, we can realize timing and intermixed timing of interleaved and intermixing transients and micro transients.
In linear terms, or sine terms, if you will...this means a perfect expression of a signal to about 500khz to 1mhz, all the way down to pretty well dc.
This, In complex timing of all waveform, in the given mincro second, and the macro second, all together, across time. where there is zero jitter of timing differential, in any part of that single micorsecond, as compared any other part, down to the pico-second of differential. Basically a micro to macro jitter spectrum of zero.The levels have to be similarly perfect, betwen and in all of those transients.
As our ears hear this... this is how they work. they work on transient function and inter-timing/intermixing of transient function. To detect transient(s) and then harmonics of transients.
We don’t hear any of the signal other than the positive leading edge of all transient functions. we literally don’t recognize or hear about 90% of the audio or acoustic signal.
We derive 100% of our hearing function from the tiny area of the positive leading edge of all transient structure in the signal. this means the cables in question, or the digital system in question, has to sample out to about ..oh..2mhz, with about 24 bits of accuracy, with a jitter performance of zero picoseconds of error at 1 picosecond compared to the next picosecond or any other picosecond referenced to any other.. within a 1-2-5-10 second window.
that’s an insanely tall order.
But it does illustrate how good the ear is, based on how it functions. Of course, each brain and each ear is different, so we get into these arguments about who can hear what. A situation where hearing is as varied as intelligence is. Lacking ears vs capable ears, or however one wants to put it. A sliding scale not unlike an IQ chart.
Then the cognitive capacity tied to that ear, beyond the neurological and mechanical aspects of the given individual ear alone.
the story ends up being really complex when you look at the whole integrated package, as related to electronic reproduction of signals (individual ears and brains vs electronic reproduction of original acoustic/electronic signals).
firstly they find that inductance is a problem, as it slows the build up and expression of transients,and it can delay their release. Temporal smearing and blunting of transient function.
The dynamic reactance of the micro inductance of the cable plays into how an audio cable sounds. Capacitance as well, but primarily inductance and how it builds and decays under ultra fast dynamic loading. Ultra fast, due to the mixing and inordinately complex mixing of said complex harmonic functions in actual clean fully realized acoustics of audio signals (as electrical signals).
the ear, a well trained one, can follow these paths easily. to pick out a guitar or violin line in a complex presentation of a multitude of instruments, all plain at the same level of signal (overall). like following a single voice in a echo filled badly acoustically treated room...a room full of hundreds of loudly speaking people. if the given ear is in good shape, it can generally teach/train itself to do this. As common as grass growing.
so yeah, simply put, we need to have systems, due to how they are built, how e can make them..they need to be good in transient function out to about a clean 1mhz, to even be considered in the running to be ’best’.
In order to do such things, they should be of linear gain, not non linear gain, like all known transistors are. Other than triodes, SIT transistors and V-FET transistors, which are all linear gain. Long electronic story there, for sure... Those are the only three devices know to be even capable of getting close to this requirement.
Interestingly enough, those three devices are the ones that people tend to feel are the most musical they have ever heard. the most alive and real sounding.
The rest ..all of it..all the mosfet, the FET the BJT, etc...and any arrangement thereof (circuits, parts, etc)... is all about...just trying to hear or discern the purity that is buried by their odd ordered transient distortions, and their bad representation of out of time and level delineation of the wrong harmonics (odd ordered) the correct transient and micro transient functions are all skewed as well. when you look at the tiny part of them that counts for the ear (the only part we hear, remember), they tend to get it all wrong.
Anyway, in cables inductance is a big deal. as is skin effect, re the expression of transients and complex transients under complex dynamic loading.
In liquid metal, all that.... is a variable tied to the dynamic loading itself. which is totally different than that of ’wire’
Ie, you can’t accurately measure the inductance of a liquid metal cable. You can make a coil and it will fail to follow the rules you know.
It is entirely signals dependent. Same as skin effect. A liquid metal cable, one liquid down to the actual molecular level, well, there is no skin. so skin effect becomes static and dynamic load dependent.
The idea behind liquid metal cables was to re-write the equation of wire itself and all the problems 'wire' has, in the world of audio reproduction.
With liquid metal being molecularly discrete, it is also a truly quantum device by all definition of what quantum is considered to mean or ’be’, in all speculation and text on the subject of quantum at the scholarly/ academic and scientific definition levels.
It dynamically shifts between being Newtonian and quantum and a unlimited set of analog variations between, with the signal. That's the big trick.
Has anyone ever actually read the patent?
There’s some additional stuff in there regarding said possible point of manipulation and expression of this complexity....that would make a black ops/lLos Alamos/etc level leading edge atomic specializing or minded physicist go catatonic from the excitement of the possibilities therein. All kinds of complex scalar polarized functions are available, in electrical to scalar conversion. For a start. Then it gets strange. It gets into the ’holy mother of god’ territory. For better or for worse. Both sides of that coin.