*WHITE PAPER* The Sound of Music - How & Why the Speaker Cable Matters


I’ve spent a sizeable amount of the last year putting together this white paper: The Sound of Music and Error in Your Speaker Cables

Yes, I’ve done it for all the naysayers but mainly for all the cable advocates that know how you connect your separates determines the level of accuracy you can part from your system.

I’ve often theorized what is happening but now, here is some proof of what we are indeed hearing in speaker cables caused by the mismatch between the characteristic impedance of the speaker cable and the loudspeaker impedance.

I’ve included the circuit so you can build and test this out for yourselves.

Let the fun begin

Max Townshend 

Townshend Audio

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In order to do such things, they should be of linear gain, not non linear gain, like all known transistors are. Other than triodes, SIT transistors and V-FET transistors, which are all linear gain. Long electronic story there, for sure... Those are the only three devices know to be even capable of getting close to this requirement.

See this just shows more fundamental lack of understanding. These devices are not "magic". The linearity of a SIT transistor is due to inherent feedback within the device structure.  15 seconds of research would reveal this:

The I-V characteristics follow an exponential behavior in the low-current region and change to approximately a linear-or square-law relation in the high-current region where the negative feedback effect of the series channel resistance becomes pronounced. 


Ditto for triodes. Triodes are linear because of internal feedback.

What can we conclude from this?:  Beware people speaking with authority about things they do not full understand.

You are still getting it wrong for all the wrong reasons and attacking people who have commercial interests here, when you probably also have commercial interests.

Anyway, in cables inductance is a big deal. as is skin effect, re the expression of transients and complex transients under complex dynamic loading.

In liquid metal, all that.... is a variable tied to the dynamic loading itself. which is totally different than that of ’wire’

Ie, you can’t accurately measure the inductance of a liquid metal cable. You can make a coil and it will fail to follow the rules you know.

This is fundamentally untrue and you have illustrated above lack of competence in so many areas, I will just say "prove it".

This paper shows that liquid metal in fact behaves exactly as one would expect:


As do these papers:



I am sure I could cite many more papers that show liquid metals are inductive, do follow classical properties (but are highly susceptible to oxidation and contamination), and those properties are being used/explore for real world applications.  I would point out that it appears that liquid metal properties can be influenced by external fields. Is that a good thing when you want consistency in operation??   Now of course, these were large fields, but I thought in audio everything mattered?

It's of Audiogon management to decide if those of commercial interests should keep polluting this site, or be stopped and exiled.
I do not get how we got from speaker cables theory so far...like on my thread How to select a good Speaker Cable
it is all about objecting a subject no one tried, but extensively argued.
It may explain a toddler who rejects a food even he didn't try it, just because. 
The unfortunate truth is, that none of those who object the idea (connection between Amp's DF and cable's resistance) do not have an alternative. This thread do offer something, but it is far away from physics, as west from east.

until you show your face, dude, you are attacking others, and doing harm, in a one sided manner without any mention or seeming understanding of the complexity of the entire spectrum of physics at play.

Until you show your face, you are morally and ethically defunct and playing a one sided game in favor of yourself....