In order to do such things, they should be of linear gain, not non linear gain, like all known transistors are. Other than triodes, SIT transistors and V-FET transistors, which are all linear gain. Long electronic story there, for sure... Those are the only three devices know to be even capable of getting close to this requirement.
See this just shows more fundamental lack of understanding. These devices are not "magic". The linearity of a SIT transistor is due to inherent feedback within the device structure. 15 seconds of research would reveal this:
The I-V characteristics follow an exponential behavior in the low-current region and change to approximately a linear-or square-law relation in the high-current region where the negative feedback effect of the series channel resistance becomes pronounced.
Ditto for triodes. Triodes are linear because of internal feedback.
What can we conclude from this?: Beware people speaking with authority about things they do not full understand.