On every other forum on the internet, involving audio, that I am aware of, you would be in violation of their fundamental rules of operation and governance, if you do not clearly show any professional affiliations to audio or connected businesses, that you may have.
This, for the very reasons of any and all attempted or real acts of malfeasance and attacking, for personal gain.
sniping from the shadows, it's called.
and as far as audio forums and most people are concerned, such behavior, as not showing your face here ... and attacking... is morally and ethically defunct.
Again, it's written right in the sign up data points for all forum members to read before being allowed to post on said forums.
You want to attack, cut down, demean, correct, etc... show your face.
Forums don't allow one sided battles, especially for people who may gain in the one sided attacks, from their given hidden vantage point...