Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat

Does anyone know the intricate details of how these most current PPS eMats differ, aside by appearance, from the previous two generations of PPT eMat & eMat+?.any insight will be greatly appreciated...

Thanx! Mooncrikit

"I have made thousands of improvements to my succession of systems over the last 45 years, with each one having a very audible improvement and this trend has not diminished."

If it were only 1000, it would be 22+ improvements a year. That is an improvement every 16 days for 45 years without a vacation ever. In case you ever left your home for a few days and "thousands" really means "thousands" amd not merely a "thousand", you may be talking about an improvement every few days. Let’s say every 3-4 days. Assuming that you cannot be correct every time over 45 years and that some attempts did not result in an improvement, you might have tried to fiddle with your system for 45 years every day when you were at home.

I am truly curious.

What kind of career do you have to allow you such a luxury of time for tweaking your audio system? I doubt that Prince Charles would be able to pull that off.
@glupson: I was inviting a potential criticism by being so quantitative.  I should have just said countless.  BTW, I made 3 rather large improvements to my system yesterday (cable routing, room treatments and adding an LPS).

I fear you have been distracted by the number and missed my point in that part of my response.  Oh Well !!

As you may have guessed, I am royalty ...


Of course, people will start asking to name some of the improvements. Once you reach 5689, Audiogon server's fuse may decide to quit.