"Best" speakers new/used under $3,000?

I am using a Musical Fidelity A3cr power amp, a Jolida Fusion pre-amp, and a Jolida tube cd player. I just bought the Fusion and love it. My speakers are B&W 640s (which I've owned for 15 years). I use a Klipsch dual 15" powered subwoofer as well. As much as I love my system, the speakers must be outdated, so I'm looking to upgrade. I have a $3,000 limit for speakers and would appreciate any opinions. I've considered B&W used 800 Matrix speakers as I like the brand, but am open to anything. Thanks.
For what it's worth, Sloane27, I've owned Ohms (Micro Walsh Talls and then 100's) and currently have the Merlin TSM-mmi.

If your room is very lively (which it sounds like it might be) then I'm not so sure Ohm is your best choice. Much as I loved much of what mine did while I had them (great bass slam, expansive sound field) in my similarly sized room with hardwood floors, the pseudo-omni aspect didn't work all that well for me -- imaging always felt confused and highs were muddled.

I've been very happy with my TSM's, and even more so since having put a thick area rug down on the floor to tame some of the HF bouncing around the room.

YMMV, of course!

Hope this helps.
That's what I would call a medium room size, and very nice with Merlins. I have found that 60 watts in plenty in a room like that.
There's a mint pair of Harbeth Compact 7ES-3's for $3200 obo on Agon right now if you're thinking about monitors. Some Harbeth owners prefer these over the Super HL5, some don't. There's not a lot of speakers out there that professional reviewers like better than these.
Both great, I suspect the HL5 might work better to fill the room 20x16? Again, Merlin and Harbeth and both very nice speakers.