Bulk power cables suggestions

I need help giving my system proper PCs.  Bulk cables at 150 USD per meter max. to get a good basis before Going/DIYing further. I have a QB8 with Red Dawn and generic PCs.
My needs are for Ncore nc1200 amp, a Truth preamp and a streamer/dac.
Thank you!
I've seen millercarbon pretty much post the exact same message in another thread somewhere.  Many have had huge success with DIY cables.  VH Audio and high end bulk cables can be very good.  I actually like to get a used Audioquest NRG-4 and chop the ends, then re-terminate with Furutech rhodium plugs.  The Audioquest is a very good and affordable solid-core conductor design (which I think is much better than any stranded conductors).
... amps that draw serious current or produce decent heat stick to a min of 2 meters and 12 AWG. If it’s a source I would go a minimum of 1.5 meters and 14 AWG ...
What could possibly be the advantage of having a power cord of a length unnecessarily long for the installation? I can only think it's a disadvantage to have that extra cable coiled up behind the system.
I've seen millercarbon pretty much post the exact same message in another thread somewhere. Many have had huge success with DIY cables.

Yes! Congratulations on following me and thanks for noticing. When something is right and can save people a lot of time and trouble I make a point of spreading the news. 

Many do have huge success with DIY cables. I have some right now that were deemed a huge success. Like I said they are a whole lot better than freebie rubber power cords. Damn impressive in one or two areas even. They are not however in the same league as could be bought from any of a number of different manufacturers, and for the same or less money. So not a total fail. 

But I've never said it was. DIY cables are great for guys who enjoy building DIY cables. Also for guys who want to think they figured out how to beat the system, or whatever. Some guys would never buy the best sounding speaker in the world simply because of the way it looks. Some guys will never buy really good wire simply because it crosses some arbitrary imaginary threshold they have of what is "worth it". We all have our preferences. All I'm saying is if your preference is the most sound quality for the money then DIY is not the way.
Thank you guys, so many suggestions.
I will look into all of them.
Millercarbon has a point, but I find it fun to peruse connectors, recipes ans tweaks for PCs, I don't know. I will buy manufacturers cables as well. One approach does not exclude the other.
There is DIY and DIY. I guess making a cable from scratch implies a lot of trials and costly errors for an incertain result in the end, but choosing bulk cables and connectors can perhaps ensure a certain level of quality at a fair price, even if not as good as renowned products. 
Anyway thanks for your inputs, it is/would be great to have some real world testimonials about manufacturers bulk cables !