Best floorstanding speakers under $2000

I currently have a pair of Axiom M60s, but am starting to feel the upgrade bug. I'm looking for another floorstander for rock that is under $2000 new or used and extends below 30hz. I would prefer 8" drivers if possible, but this isn't crucial as long as they go to 30hz or lower. I'm appreciate any suggestions to get my shortlist started. Thanks
Linaeum66, precisely - bass traps made a HUGE difference for the better, along
with side panels to the sides and front of the speakers to absorb side
reflections - this was at least, if not more of a change, than any equipment
change I have made.

A fellow AGON'er recommended and I used stuff from,
much cheaper than audiophile specific stuff that comes with a fancy theory to
explain the price difference. This company generally sells to recording studios
etc. (professionals) where pricing and sanity are required.

No matter what speakers you have, two bass traps in the rear, and two panels
on the sides should make for a better sounding room - you can do more than
that, but that is a good basic start.
My Meadowlark Shearwater Hot Rods have a low end spec above 30 but they have a useful extension lower than the -3dB point because of their transmission line design. So my suggestion is to give them a listen if you get the chance -- they will be considerably lower than your price point -- or make a mental note to look out for TL designs.
Agree with "Sonicbeauty" The Polk Lsi 15 is a fantastic
speaker! I owned a pair in the past and had a Wyred 4 Sound
amp on them. Pure magic!!!
Recently I bought a pair of standing speakers for really reasonable price. I bought Pioneer Elite SP-EFS73, I paid about 400-500$ per one, so pair was about 1000$ and I suppose that's fine with your budget too. I'm really satisfied with sound quality, especially because I wasn't looking for some professional studio speakers. I was looking for something of good quality, but "simple", so I can enjoy good music at home. Not sure are you looking for speakers only for music, or maybe for games or movies too, but this one are completely fine for all my needs.

I can share a link of website where I found information about speakers. As someone who don't know a lot about speakers, that article helped me to find what's important to consider before I bought something like this.

So, here is the link:

Hope you'll find it useful as I did.