Shopping for new speakers-need ideas... Selling old DQ-10's...

As I get older my Dahlquist DQ-10’s are simply too bright and give me an earache. I’ve tried different amps so that is not the issue. I just bought a Marantz PM-KI Ruby amp to pair with them. They sound great, but after some time the ear issue comes up.  However, I am looking for new speakers to match with my new amp. These are my desires:

-Not as bright as my Dahlquist DQ-10’s, but not as distant sounding as my Aerial 6s. I do like speakers on the warm side nowdays, but not muddy of course

-Great separation of sound so you catch the detail

-Bass not too punchy as I’ve always had ear trouble with this

-I love midrange

-I don’t like too sharp highs anymore unfortunately

-I love an open sound even airy sound.

What I may be describing is something that is between the DQ-10s and the Aerial 6s. Not in my face, but not behind a wall sounding like the Aerials. Something smooth yet with texture and good separation.

I always loved the phased array design of the DQ-10s and my DQ-8s since I have had since 1993. They are open and airy with tons of soundstage potential.

I listen to a variety of music from ‘60’s and 70’s folk to ‘90’s hard rock like Collective Soul. I’m a 70’s guy and love classic rock, but I lean in the Steely Dan direction. I love progressive rock like Rush and Emerson, Lake and Palmer. I’m also fond of Sade and similar artists in that genre. Jazz is an occasional venture to the likes of Joshua Redman and older stuff like Ramsey Lewis.

Now that I have this magnificent Marantz amp I’m ready to pair them with something that is more of a fit with it and my now limited ears. Earaches suck when you are trying to enjoy some music. This is a lot better now with the Marantz amp, but I still feel a slight ache at medium volumes.

I’ve watched a lot of YouTube videos reviews and I’ve started reading some things.

My budget is $3,000 or less. Hopefully less...

Any recommendations are greatly appreciated.

silk dome tweeter
Love my EgglestonWorks Fontaines - they sound like you describe. You should be able to get a used pair under your budget. I've often seen them for sale in/near Chicago.

Don't know if you can use this in your system but, on the cheap side of solutions which might work you can always try a Schitt Loki, a tone control which has a control centered at 2k Hz which can really tone down that upper mid-range which many find so objectionable. In my experience folks often complain of 'bright highs' mistaking the upper mid range for highs. I use one in a headphone system and it works perfectly and except for some gain when engaged it is fairly transparent. Perfect devise if your Ruby has a tape loop. If not you can put it between your source and amp. 
ProAc Response DT8 are in your price range.
May be a good match with your Marantz integrared amplifier.
Silk Dome tweeter
Look for used Tannoys. I'm 74, and there's nothing but pleasure with mine.

I used to have a pair of DQ30's and felt the same way about the highs.
Have you ever tried switching out the tweeters?
Check out PBN's.  I have the Montana EPS speakers and they are exactly as you described.  Great separation, lows are well defined but not too deep (I have a sub for that), highs are not overly bright, and the midrange is absolutely fantastic.  Voices and acoustic guitar are outstanding.  The EPS is over the budget you posted but I've heard several of their models that are priced below mine and they all had that same, beautiful, silky midrange.  The tradeoff was usually in the lower octaves and it sounds like you aren't that bass-crazy anyway.  Tube gear may also calm down the highs on your DQ10's if you wanted to try that out.