Hafler effect setup - any concerns for a "ParasoundZonemaster2350" p-amp (or in general)

I have recently come across information on the web about the "Hafler effect" for creating a "studio" or "live venue" sound from a 2 channel system (such as most of us have). Basically it is implementing a third speaker located behind and centre of listening position with one speaker cable connected to + (red) of front left and one speaker cable connected to + (red) of front right going to the rear centre speaker + (red) and - (black). (** at least this is my interpretation/understanding of it **).

My question is, is this a dangerous set-up for my "Parasound Zonemaster2350" power amp? I have read that it can be catastrophic for bridged amp's and, my limited knowledge of bridged setups (which is none), I'm not sure if this would be safe to attempt. I have reached out to "Parasound" for their advice but pretty sure they will blanket statement recommend against so as not to take any responsibility, but who knows, maybe not.

Thanks in advance to all who reply,
much appreciated

Just thinking outside the box here - you might consider a second amplifier in a Class AB design just to handle the ambience.  It doesn't have to be very powerful since you are subtracting the signals to get the ambience.   A fifth to a quarter of the power of the main amp should be plenty.
I’m just going to go at this as I’ve practiced it many times.

Normal front speaker set-up.  Take long single wire from Rt (+) to Rt rear (+).  Repeat same Lt side.  Connect both rear speaker (-) terminals with single wire.

If anyone sees this as wrong and wants to scream foul, then proceed.  As explained to me it provides out of phase material diagonally.  So Rt speaker out of phase material appears in Lt rear speaker, same with Lt speaker material.

I’m no engineer, have just set it up multiple times with success.  It broadens and deepens the soundstage.