Class D

Been thinking of trying a D amp to reduce clutter. Most that I see are not rated at 2 ohms.  My PSB Stratus gold's will drop to 3 ohms or lower at some frequencies. So my question is will these types of amps handle this impedance ?
Thanks in advance. Chris

Tag team shilling that’s a new one for Audiogon.

And Ralph search is your friend, you might want to be reminded, that you were anti GaN fets way back at first, they are still the same ones buddy.

Your so full of it, all you have on your mind is to get your Class-D out there in the best possible (even if false) light that you can, anyone can see it.
You would have been better just bringing it out quietly and hopefully resting on the laurels of your history on tube OTL’s.

One more time for the masses, Class-D is not yet in the "very hi-end range" of amplifiers, like the Classics linear A A/B beasts that are still being made now, or even from yesteryear. Technics Class-D with the SE-R1 are the closest still to date.

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Could you please explain

No! sorry but your the fool sunshine!! 
Just 3 posts and you've decided to become the technical referee?? 
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George will never "prove" anything. He is full of conjecture, but not a thought out fact in site. Not one word or technical analysis of his own. Just tired stereophile links for data does not indicate that he thinks it means or he tries to use one example to imply all must be like that.

Hey georgehifi, still waiting for you to tell us why all those amps you idolize have tons of feedback and it is okay. Still waiting for you to tell us why Technics must use digital filtering techniques to compensate for phase-shift in their amplifiers.