6000 dollars CD player

 I am planning to buy CD player with out SACD , classical music as main listen ing.  Components are Accuphase C2850. + A47+Harbeth SHL 5 ,40th.  I like reliable, trouble free gear with good CP.

Since you mention that you don't need sacd, and your preference, like me, is classical music. I suggest you have a look at CEC cd players and
transports.You have a great system so you will need a great source!

I've been using a CEC TL51xr player for the last 10 years!
It is reliable and very satisfying, excellent for long listening session.
The TL2N transport suggested by audio-union is on top of my list 
for upcoming upgrade, but of course you also need a good dac.

Otherwise i would get the entry level player from accuphase.

PS  i am not link to audio-union, I'm Canadian and purchased my player
from the previous distributer.

 Why would someone who's main preference is classical not want an sacd player?
SACD has two disadvantages:
1. much expensive for software.
2. Pick up head easy to have malfunction.

I'd like to AMEN the endorsement of the Yamaha S2100. Have owned too many CD players to mention including the famed Oppo's, NAD, Cambridge Audio, etc. All sounded 'digital'. This Yamaha is the first which leaps over the expanse into the magical journey INTO the believable soundstage. There is the flagship model above this one but most importantly the S2100 includes the flagship transport mechanism. Honestly I had believed I had pretty much reached the limit of the CD's ability to sing. Not so. This $3500 player transforms CD's to analog-like texture but still opens up stunning detail. One gets pulled into the music like vinyl but with no smearing of instrument positioning. Provides 3-dimentional feel in shocking ways. Highly recommended. (Use top interconnects)