Some DACs I am Considering-Any thoughts?

Soekris 2541                $1.1

Doge 7                         $1.2

Mhdt Pagoda               $1.4

Denafrips Pontus         $1.8

Audio Mirror SE           $2.5

Holo Audio Spring 2    $2.7

Audio Note 4.1 Kit       $3.6

Lampizator Amber 3    $3.8

Anyone who can speak from experience  about comparisons
between any two these?

I like the use of a tube and I like the R2R style of build.

Prefer to stay under $2.5 but might be swayed.

Thanks in advance for sharing.

(Some of these prices are certainly not correct)

This is whole reason research is difficult in the DAC world.
From what I an learning, the best values are from the no-name
companies you (and I) might have concerns about.
The reason I am less concerned about that in the case of a DAC
is that I see it as the shortest life cycle piece I will own. 
Improvements are accelerating at a fast pace so value counts.

Wyred for sound should be on my list too I think.

Will do some looking.


Pure Audio Lotus 5. 
I was not aware of this brand but your argument is persuasive.
I will look into it.