Ok to adjust balance to achieve center vocal image?

I have an all analog tube vinyl system and don’t remember having to adjust my balance setting in order to achieve a center vocal image. I do now though. I’m getting a left leaning vocal image with the balance set to zero. Is there a good way to see if this can be fixed so I don’t need to balance adjust to achieve a center vocal image? Could it be a preamp tube going out? Something else? Any harm in just continuing to adjust the balance - meaning am I experiencing any signal loss doing so? 
Thanks! Paul
You can try adjusting the anti-skate and see if the vocal image moves to the center!

When perfectly calibrated your stylus rests perfectly in the groove of your records ensuring that you have the proper channel balance for your left and right channels.
NO!  It is NEVER acceptable to change the balance, and if you have a tone control, you need to re-wire to by-pass it.  In certain, rare, circumstances, it is OK to use a volume control, but most of us never do.
Clearaudio Satisfy or Verify?? Makes me think of a tonearm run without enough anti-skating or a turntable that’s altered its levelness.

Exactly yogiboy!
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I have the same problem. Have a Rogue Metis preamp. It’s different album to album but always right side is stronger than the left. I just use the balance to compensate tried find the problem but gave up. Just use the control and enjoy the music.