After a 3 month wait and one too many boilerplate emails from Schiit, I decided to cancel my order today.
It feels good!
While waiting, I’ve narrowed down a few other directions I might go in and figured why not take the plunge. While I’m sure I would’ve been happy with the Schiit gear, I think the communication sucked and I got disenchanted with their “rebellious upstart” image extending to how they informed buyers about months long delays. Why not just email out the info from HeadFi that @gnaster posted above to everyone waiting for a Freya+?
Strangely, it was the fastest and clearest communication I’ve had with Schiit. Within 25 minutes of writing to cancel, I had a reply and $600 going back to my PayPal. That was money I’d sent them to get a Bifrost in my order instead of a Modi.