Warm, rich but detailed SS preamp (made you give up tubes)

Anyone come a cross a warm, rich but detailed solid state preamp that engaged you and gave you that spatiality of a good tube preamp?

I suppose im thinking of C900u or Accuphase?
Hello hilde45,

     I have that Keith Greeninger track as a 24 bit/96KHz FLAC file download on my hard drive, excellent direct to hi-res digital recording with very realistic dynamics as heard and felt when listening to acoustic music played live.  Carmen Gomes is also very good if you like intimate jazz recordings.
     Blue Coast is a good source of these high quality direct to hi-res digital recordings as is Sound Liaison in Europe which has a lot of Carmen Gomes downloads available at very reasonable prices.
       I think downloads are a good method for both consumers, receiving very high quality recordings at a fair price, and the music artists, receiving royalties for each download.

The Pass Labs XP-30 made me leave the tube preamp behind.  Unless i had a change to get into a VAC Statement Pre at firesale prices!
I like my SMc Audio DNA 1, updated last year by Steve and Pat. As detailed, rich and natural sounding as I've ever heard. Not warm like tubes, but its never left me wanting them either. Never fatiguing. A different amp than the original McCormacks. Worth a look. 
Late 80s NAD 1600 or 1700. They come with excellent tuner, mm/mc phono stages. Remotes are better than most of today’s.