Some DACs I am Considering-Any thoughts?

Soekris 2541                $1.1

Doge 7                         $1.2

Mhdt Pagoda               $1.4

Denafrips Pontus         $1.8

Audio Mirror SE           $2.5

Holo Audio Spring 2    $2.7

Audio Note 4.1 Kit       $3.6

Lampizator Amber 3    $3.8

Anyone who can speak from experience  about comparisons
between any two these?

I like the use of a tube and I like the R2R style of build.

Prefer to stay under $2.5 but might be swayed.

Thanks in advance for sharing.

(Some of these prices are certainly not correct)
I'm not familiar with any of those DACs, but can confidently recommend the Chord Qutest and Hugo 2, both within your price range.  Both can be used either in situ or portably.  They are compact and sound terrific.
Holo Audio. Owned and loved the Spring KTE. Now upgraded to the May love grows deeper.
I have the  Audio Mirror Tubadour 3, with Cary Audio SL-80 F1 Signature (upgraded caps and orange fuses), Manley Chinook phone pre-amp, VPI Classic 3 TT, Fritz Rev 7 BE speakers (87db) with morrow cables and Furtech power cables. I am VERY picky about my definition of musicality. And my definition has to be approved by my wife who has gone to MANY more live concerts (rock, Jazz and Clasical) than I have. To both of us, Musicality is sitting back 10-15 rows from center stage and hearing the liveliness of the moment through the technology platforms (mike, speakers, amps, etc.). While I enjoy my Vinyl, I have been listening more to CD and Tidal  because of the musicality of the Audio Mirror. I demoed MHT - not the same signature musically for me in my system. Hope this helps and good luck on your journey - as has been said before, it is a constant state of improvements relative to your unique system and each component does affect the overall musicality to your ears!

correction, I have the  Audio Mirror Tubadour 3 SE @ $2,500 and did add the orange fuse - although did not notice that much overall improvement in sound quality.
Hey I'm wondering if anyone has experience with DACs from Border Patrol?  
The name is sketchy I know but I have a friend who has one and swears by it.  I know it's R2R but not sure if there are tube variants.
