Killer used integrated for

Setting up a basement system and looking to replace older Marantz surround receiver with something more for 2 channel for under $500. Was looking for a Audio Refinement Complete but none for sale. Any others I should be considering? No phono needed.
I also recommend the Exposure.  Helped a friend find a decent used integrated a couple of weeks ago and found a used Exposure at a local dealer for $500.  Excellent value; no bells or whistles, just quality amplification with analog line inputs.  
Yamaha A-S500. Measures better than some amps costing 5X its retail price and sounds great.
I would look for an old tandberg integrated may pay a little more than 500 dollars but not much.
Another for Rega.Brio is great, or if you want to save a little more and are ok with larger size, the Rega Mira 3 line was really great (what I am currently running).  Not super powerful, but with Bookshelf monitor style, the integrated does great, can run a sub, run as a pre or just amp, remote control, and matches great with their CD player or DAC~r.