vintage versus modern speakers

Since I have had so many excellent insights and answers to my question, here is the second chapter of my "free" education: are great vintage speakers (Infiniti, JBL,Sansui, Sony, etc..) from the seventies better sounding than what is available now? the X factor in that equation is the cost, since my speaker budget is only 1500$ for two speakers.

Ladies and Gentlemen, your advice will be read and taken into consideration.
Thank you.
Bigkidz, very interesting post. I think any music lover
would be happy with any Meadowlark I ever heard.
IMO the old-time 60's , 70's speaker that would be most competitive today is the little KLH 17.
My A/D/S L1530 speakers were amazing, and would still be great speakers today. Very good audio gear tends to be just that-very good. "Technology" may have advanced, but probably a lot more than actual improvement in sound quality over the best "vintage" gear.With good capacitors and drivers a speaker should be as good as it was at break in. My $.02

i have question for all of you >> cheapest speaker made in last 10 year that can beat any vintage speaker made before 1970??????