Best small speakers?

I'm looking for great sound at the best price... spending around 5K, am i going to get better sound and with small monitor speakers like the B&W 805's or Harbeth? I have Paradigm S-8s now... they are big sound alright, but i think if i spent the same money on a great smaller speaker i would get more for my money as far as sound goes... ? I have an above average system, rouge 180 monoblocks, shanata cables, conditioner etc.
As noted above, Gallo 3.5s excellent and small. Can be had new at your pricepoint, I reckon. For much less, the Selah Veritas is a fine speaker in a small package at 2k.

No experience on mating these with your amps.

Best? Who knows.... but here's a list to consider.
Red Rose Rosebuds
Jm lab micro be
JM Labs 1007Be
Dynaudio Special 25 Original Edition
Magico Mini
Magico Mini II
Merlin tsm-MX
Marten Design Duke
Sonus Faber Cremona
Sonus Faber Cremona M
Coincident Triumph Signature UHS, Extreme Version
SF Amati Homage
Sonus Faber Extrema
Star Sound Caravelles with stands
MBL 121 Rosewood
Manley ML10 using Tannoy sgm10b with mastering labs xvr
Tannoy SGM-10B Super Gold
Eggleston Works Fontaine
Jean Marie Reynaud Offrande
MBL 121 Radialstrahler
Thiel pcs
if you're looking for a small wonder I would ad Totem "The one" to your list if you can find a pair used about $2,600.
good luck!
Ah well, I would recommend Harbeth or MERLIN; the first ones only because i heard them puzzled over them, but never had first hand experience; the Merlins because I truly believe that the MASTER TSM is my personal finest speaker I want to have in my living room, and I am a violinist, using gear in every possible way.
