Arcam Integrated Amps

What are your thoughts / experiences with Arcam amps in general? And which models do you recommend for sound quality and build quality / reliability? There are lots of inexpensive used Arcam integrated amps on Ebay. I've been wanting to try one for a while as a back up amp (my main one runs rather warm) but the selection's overwhelming.
arcam is maybe above average but well short of excellent

naim and croft among others, are better, build and sound wise
Ditto above. I bought an Arcam Alpha 10 integrated in 1999 and it was just OK, nothing spectacular. No experience with the FMJ series.

Naim, Exposure and Rega are usually better sounding if looking at British gear.
Briefly had an Arcam FMJ A32 in my 2nd system. I found it very fatiguing with silver speaker cables, and even with copper cables not very musically engaging
You can check offerings from, Exposure, MF, Naim, Cambridge, Rega,...generally better voiced than Arcam.

This sums it up rather nicely:

The original A60 was most memorable back in the day. Today, I appreciate what Exposure is doing. They seem to play well with most any system.