Buying used or sight unseen speakers a bad idea?

Hi folks, reading & absorbing as much as I can in the Learn forum, question from a novice in this field, is it safe to purchase used or sight unseen a pair of hi-end speakers? Are speakers considered "too old?" Does it effect the sound too much? Thanks
I have bought a lot of equeptment on here and on Audiomart before it, including 4 pairs of speakers and 2 subs that I can recall, probably more. I have never had a problem; can't guarentee that you would not but odds are in your favor if you deal with reputable stores or members with feedback. Speakers in my way of thinking are about the best thing to buy used; excellent deals can be had. I got my present speakers at less than 30 cents on the dollar and they look like new. Of course I have been doing it a long time but you should be able to get a speaker in very good condition for 50% of new cost. Since speakers are a very personal choice many buy ones they think they will like and then fall out of love with them quickly. I have actually seen unopened ones for sale where the buyer changed his mind before listening to them. I currently have 5 pairs of speakers that are around 20 years old and my total maintance was one pair of tweeters due to amp failure. Although there is a general upward trend in performance a very good older speaker will outpreform the vast majority of current speakers.
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I have bought 2 pair of speaker here and have been very pleased with both condition and packing.


I, too, bought multiple pairs of speakers (4 pr.). I have been incredibly satisfied with both the orice, the courteous service - of course member-deoendent. However, all of my transactions went thru without a hitch and in every case the speakers exceeded my expectations.

That, plus the fact that on average I bought the speakers at 30 to 50 cents on the retail dollar and I feel like I came out way ahead all in all...

Good Luck To You!

Just be aware that if speakers are not packed properly, they can be damaged in shipping. I bought a speaker that was not packed tight enough, got shook around by FedEx, and ended up getting some damage on it.