Aesthetix MIMAS

Has anyone heard it yet or time line on it’s release ?
Whats the buzz tel me whats happenings
I know joey54 has the Mimas and Harbeths but changed to Vandersteen Treos in the last month  he would be good contact for you
Looks like a great piece.  I wanted to hear it when I was looking for a new integrated amp recently. Wasn't able to. Ended up with an Ayre AX5 Twenty, which I am thrilled with.  Look at both if you can.
I have had the Mimas in my system for some time now and given my listening priorities I think it's the best integrated I have heard. I had an Ayre integrated for many years and I still like Ayre amplifiers but none of them are as musical as the Aesthetix. The only integrated that I would say compares was the Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista 300.

When I first heard the Mimas with my Harbeth SHL5+'s it fleshed out the midrange and bass and reminded me why Harbeth's have the reputation they do. I had been getting restless listening to the Harbeth's as I was not connecting to the music like I had before. That really turned out to be a speaker issue but I corrected that. 

For some background, I have owned other Aesthetix products in the past, the Calypso and Atlas, and loved them with my Vandersteen Quatro's. In fact I still think Vandersteen speakers sound best with Aesthetix gear. When I moved to Italy I had to sell the system. When I came back I moved into a loft apartment and decided to go with an integrated amp choosing Ayre over Hegel, Luxman and Musical Fidelity. The Mimas was not available at the time.

I have just added the DAC card and changed my speakers to the Vandersteen Treo CT's and it has made my listening experience even more enjoyable. The sheer musicality of this amp keeps me up late many nights. The phono stage is also really good and sounds better than my current phono stage. I cannot use it in my system right now as my turntable is about 5 meters away from the Mimas.

For a dealer I recommend JohnnyR at the Audio Connection in Verona NJ. He is the best dealer I know and sold me all of my audio gear since 1994. Good Luck!