Ingress Audio Engineering

I recently discovered the benefits of isolation. Don't know how many of you are familiar with Barry Diament's  recommendations for his hip joints. The recommendation for the economical DIY set up worked well for my stereo; (lightly inflated bike innertubes, wooden egg holders supporting stainless steel balls).

A month ago I bought Isoacoustic Oreo's. 3 per component (weight appropriate) and was very first. After several days of settling my music sounded dull and lifeless. I reread the optimal weight recommendations, re-calibrated weight limits with temporary improvements. To my disappointment I realized the Oreo's could only be compressed (especially after the suction seal was formed between them and the component or platform the component sat on). Sure they rocked in all directions, but they didn't glide in all directions. Only horizontal isolation was taking place so I coupled the Oreo's with Barry's economic hip joints which has greatly improved the SQ. I'm loving it but I still feel there's room for improvement. Mainly because I own the Hfiman HE-6SE HP's and I run them through my power amp's speaker taps. So I want Barry's upgraded hip joints under my amp. I'm interested in Ingress Audio's vibration isolation rollerblocks.
I've looked up info about their level 2's and 3's but specifics on their differences aren't given. I know Barry says the blocks should be machined smooth to a certain degree. I left a message with Ingress, but I'm impatient and wondering if perhaps the level 2's aren't as smooth as the 3's. The smoother, the greater the improvements. My question is does anyone know the differences between their Level 2 and Level 3 rollerblocks?
I bought the Gaia II's for my 60 lb Monitor Audio Gold's. Experimented connecting them to the metal speaker base's then directly to the speaker. Found they sound more focused when attached directly to the speaker. Since my floor is carpeted with a basement beneath I then tried elevating them on wood slabs with Barry's economic hip joints underneath, but they sounded kind of dull. Next I sat the speakers on ceramic tile slabs (smooth side down) with the economic hip joints underneath. Sounds great! The treble sparkle and shimmer is back along with focus and improved timbre!

I had got Ingress Audio Engineering level 3 yesterday.

It seem to have positive effect of more natural sound under Chord Mscaler.

I will  update the progress in the future.
Based on Barry Diament you can do it yourself or try ingress engineering.  To see how this started, read these 2 threads.

audiophilestyle  equipment isolation and vibration damping
steve hoffman attention barry diament and other speaker isolation gurus!
Very interesting thread, albeit I’m two years late... machina dynamica website seems short of resources (I cannot see some photos). Geoff are you still behind your business? Might be interested in your springs.

Hi Stefano

Suggest combination of Geoff’s springs with Ingress cup and rollers, set up on granite or slate platform.