What exactly is textural density??

I’m sorry, I am new to the high end audio world. I read this sentence and could not understand any of it. Can you help?

This enhanced textural density seemed good because when I’ve experienced it before, it indicated that the transducer was tracking the signal like a race car with fresh, sticky tires.


"...do you know what da dork means in German?"

Hmmm, even if the "dork" were correct, where would "da" fit in there?
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I think it could be heard this way. If you listen to a acoustic guitar being played at 15 feet. Then put your ear up close to the guitar when being played. You will hear a much richer harmonic structure. That is something I really enjoy about my system. I think it is why tube equipment is preferred many times.
Good analogy @twoleftears. Art Dudley was fond of this kind of phrase as well, and both he and Herb used it in their reviews in Art's 90's mag, Listener. I've always taken textural density to mean a full-bodied sound, akin to color saturation in photography.