Amp and Preamp Full Tube or Hybrid?

Hi Agoners,

Planning my upgrade right now, please advise which way will give better sound. Speakers will be Franco Serblin Ktema.

Option 1: VAC Master Preamp + Accuphase A-250 Monoblocks 

Option 2: VAC Master Preamp + VAC 200 IQ Monoblocks.

Thanks for any advices!! 

I auditioned Accuphase E-650 driving KERR K300 today and was was probably the best (suit my taste the most) system I ever heard in my life. I never heard any million bucks system before but I’ve heard several system costing several 100Ks and I don’t think I ever heard anything like that ever. Granted the source was from Kuzma XL DC making the source as the most expensive part of the system but what I heard was the sum of the parts and it was sublime. Today was the first time ever I am hugely impressed by a full SS system and I think I might become a convert.... now I am considering A-250 with Accuphase preamp too..... leaning on the edge here, very anxious to leave tube but what I heard today definitely is haunting me. 
Yes I think I will jump head first into the realm of modern SS. Getting mentally ready to leave tube world LOL!! Will come to the dealer again today with my wife so she can experience what I experienced yesterday and I think I will put a down payment today too.