Best tube preamplifier for under $15k

Let’s hear it guys, what’s your favorite. 
pstores, I would not pay this kind of money for equipment even if I could. What I said had nothing to do with me.

I mention some of my preamps above..  I don’t use the Freya anymore. I have a Pass XP12 currently. Another preamp I enjoyed was the Blue Circle BC3. The BAT VK5i was also one of my favorites. 
@mikem Sorry I misread the last post you made. Are you enjoying the XP12 more than the Caryslp05 ?
Also do you find the XP12 gives you some tube quality? Like warmth, dimensionality, richness of timbre etc?
@smodtactical , no problem.. 
I am enjoying the XP12 very much, to the Point of asking what the XP 22 would bring me. you know how it goes, lol.
The preamp is very good as it delivers a very detailed presentation with good accuracy and imaging. It is not quite neutral, leaning to just right of neutral, the Pass sonic house sound.. It will not cover up a bad recording. I’m hearing lots of details, good dynamics.. very quiet background. The imaging is more life sized than I’m used too.. 
Not extra big and airy like my last tubed pre, this is more real. More live. It makes me turn up the volume more because everything just sounds better and more focused. It never asks the question if it’s tubed or solid state. It’s just more real. Never fatiguing or harsh. I’ve heard sweeter on top, but I’m digital front end wise, so it could be better with a good tt. So I have a bunch of NOS tubes collecting dust and it looks like it might stay that way for a good while.