upgrade from using linestage from integrated Yamaha

I frequently read others referencing a good line stage as the "brains" of the audio chain. With that in mind, I’m exploring upgrading to a genuine line stage since I’m currently using a Yamaha integrated w/ a Crown XLS Class D amp

Is there an appreciable upside to using a tube stage vs. relying on one from a decent integrated? I know I won’t ultimately know until I try it, but what has been others' experience with a modest $1000 tube line stage replacing an integrated’s ? May I expect a noticeable improvement in dynamics, soundstage properties?
The line stage in the Yamaha is already excellent! I doubt there will be any noticeable difference in sound quality from another solid state line stage. Tubes are another matter! A tube line stage will add its own colorations - hardly what one can call "true to the source"! 
All tube gear - while liked by many - can hardly be called "neutral" or "transparent"! Spoken from experience! I have been collecting and using tube gear since the late '70s. 
i should of mentioned:  my intention w/ a tube stage is to experience how tubes will color things vs. a very neutral Yamaha.  I'm looking at a tubes4hifi SP10.  
There is a Schiit Saga tube line stage available now on eBay. $325 + $25 shipping from Illinois. Seller is "canhthuan". It used a single 6SN7 dual triode. I recommend this one. Why spend more?