Critical subwoofer tip

I assume that everyone already knows the importance of phase matching a sub to the main speakers but it’s a little more complicated than simple 90 degrees or 180. The B&W sub that I have has four choices. In every case there has been a definite correct position that can be non standard. My current setup shined at 270 degrees vs the std positions. It’s completely obvious and the other choices would not have been satisfying. 
From my lengthy experience I would want a subwoofer with several phase choices. I personally don’t see how one could seamlessly integrate the mains and the sub without this flexibility. No one asked but i thought this info might be useful to anyone purchasing a subwoofer. YMMV
I would imagine there must be a phase adjustment on my REL's.  However, I would not know where to start.  It would be nice if someone could teach us more about phase and how to set up subwoofers.  Now I wonder if I have mine set up correctly.  All I did was to make sure the volume on my subs were not too high.  When I began to be able to detect them I lowered the volume.  Mine are set at about 40% volume.  

Where can I read about this?  Even phase is a bit complicated.  I am sure it must be related to sound wavelengths and to be able to detect when the sound waves cancel each other out.  When do you know sound waves are canceling each other out in the first.

I am new to this hobby for about 2 years and am anxious to learn.  I have a feeling my system might not be set up at its peak performance.  How do you know when sound waves are cancelling each other out in the first place?

A dealer in town specializes in master setting.  Wonder why people in this group are not discussing this?  Perhaps they don't believe in master set?
The phase difference matters ONLY when it is compared to ANOTHER driver in the acoustic vicinity. It does not matter if the speaker is on its own, or it closely matches the OTHER speakers. In the absence of those, or when the sound from anything else is not significant enough with respect to the subwoofer, the phase angle does not matter.

It is all relative basically :-)

i agree that setup flexibility with a subwoofer is of utmost importance the level and phase can be a big factor in proper sound and mesh with the rest of the system as well as placement.
@larry5729, you really should start with level matching your speakers to your subs instead of just turning down the volume where you can barely hear your subs. At least this will give you a much better starting point for where the volume should be. You've spent all this money on subs, and you don't really know if you have them set up correctly. It's a simple process, and you only need a SPL meter and sine wave signal (free on internet).