What exactly is textural density??

I’m sorry, I am new to the high end audio world. I read this sentence and could not understand any of it. Can you help?

This enhanced textural density seemed good because when I’ve experienced it before, it indicated that the transducer was tracking the signal like a race car with fresh, sticky tires.


....one thing that struck me over the " a race car with fresh, sticky tires " comment is the fact that cold 'fresh, sticky tires' on a race car can fail to stick in curve six at speed just as fast as the hot worn ones you're just about to pit with....

'Textual Density' in music, Yes, can be thought of as describing a well recorded passage and/or series of same from an outstanding musician/singer or group of same, be it a solo or group performance.  It can also be applied to an instrument in the hands of Yo-Yo Ma, always a delight to hear....

In the case of the reviewer....likely more to the tactical qualities of his brain matter and his noted penchant for 'prose' postures.  We can perhaps assume that he may be paid by the word count and how glossy something is by such flourish pronouncements....

Just an cynical aside, mind you....carry on....;)

"....one thing that struck me over the " a race car with fresh, sticky tires " comment is the fact that cold 'fresh, sticky tires' on a race car can fail to stick..."
Good catch, even if I say so, as that was my thought in my first post here. I did not elaborate as I thought that millercarbon would catch that detail.

 "As far as tires go, maybe it is not the best comparison."
i am reminded of the words of english poet adrian mitchell, who commented, " Most people ignore most poetry because most poetry ignores most people." most people ignore most audiophilia because most audiophilia ignores most people, many elites of various stripes place their thinking a cut-above that of the "great unwashed" rather than try to spread their love of music in a practical way, to those outside of their camp. 
carpapathian, Exactly...well, as much as perception allows which imo is the largest variable in the 'equation'.  When taking into account the wide range of 'audiophile' system variables in equipment, the spaces they're installed into, and the range of the 'perceivers' listening intently....

We all hear something similar; it's the personal interpretation of what they heard that varies in degree...

emrofsemanon...and audiophilia in extremis is a ladder that seems to grow more rungs on a regular basis with no apparent limits, despite the rarity of the air or cost of an 'arrival' that's always pending. ;)

...and people think drugs are addictive....*hah*L*