The best TT system for under 30K

Hi agoners! 

I have been floored by Kuzma Stabi XL DC with 4 points TA on a recent audition. It was extremely analog sounding, insane details with speed, beat and clarity that made me wonder if I am listening to a live concert, just can’t help my toe tapping. Was comparing the sound to the top of the line Accuphase CD player with the same rest of system and it was no contest. 

Switching from Accuphase CD player to Kuzma XL DC was sounding like adding a pair of subwoofer and going up 2-3 levels on the rest of the system. Mind you the rest of the system was Accuphase E-650 class A integrated that should favor the Accuphase same brand CD player but that wasn’t the case. The speaker was Kerr Acoustics K300 under 10K entry level bookshelf and the sound of the entire entry level system armed with Kuzma XL DC beat the hell out of the entire super high end system the dealer has on the other listening room with Avalon PM3 speakers, Accuphase A-250 monos, Audionet Stern Preamp with Accuphase CD player. 

However obviously I cannot afford the whole set of Kuzma XL DC considering I am also in the process of upgrading my existing system. What will be the closest contender in the US$30.000 retail price range that has the same sonic signature as Kuzma XL DC? 

Thanks in advance for any advices!!
Now that appears to be the turntable that you seek. I have not personally heard it, many think it is the very best there is.
You do want to approximate the sound of tape, and they say this is the closest.
Even better, get top of the line Pear Audio table/arm for $10k+ and save a lot.
In any case, don’t listen to me, listen to Whart - he knows the stuff and he knows Kuzma tables very well.

WOW! Never expected this thread to be this informative with so many detailed responses!! Happy being here folks!
I just called the dealer just to chat about acoustic panel for my new dedicated listening/HT room/mancave. He offered me a crazy deep discount if I am willing to take the display model they had for two years, the exact same Kuzma XL DC I listened to including Kuzma 4 pt TA and Miyajima cartridge. Basically he slashed the retail price for the display item by almost I think it will be extremely unwise for me to pass the deal. Thanks a billion folks!! I think I have found my answer. Special thanks for Ferrari275 and Whart for sharing your personal Kuzma XL experiences and confirming my impressions of the Kuzma XL DC. LOVE IT!!!
That's good. You got lucky, go for it. I hope that you will get full warranty coverage, just in case.
to the OP you do understand MC has never heard, actually heard what he is “ selling “.... just like a Porsche guy reading about driving a Ferrari.....comical at best..

especially as we go sailing by.....and yes, I have a** bumped a few 911 right into the armco...

consider Basis, Brinkmann, Triplaner, Lyra.....things people own, have heard, etc...