Magnepan 3.7i vocals sound harsh

Noticing vocals are sounding harsh and grainy on the Maggie's on both lps and CD's, music sounds great. Using a parasound 2.1 integrated.
Currently have resistors installed on speakers but same harshness on vocals without.
It's been awhile but I didn't want to leave my saga without an ending. Since moving to the Pass equipment and putting many more hours on the speakers they have settled in beautifully, I guess they just needed many hours of play to fully break in. Again thank you to all who offered help.
When I owned the Halo Integrated, I found it had a smooth presentation overall, but oddly, it was also grating.

I wonder if you’re hearing intermodulation distortion. It’s an inherent weakness of planar-magnetic designs. It seems some amps alleviate the problem while others exacerbate it.