Best speakers to use with Mahi Mahi amps

Along with the Mahi Mahi I use a Woo Audio WA2 preamp, RAM modified Shanling CD T100 and a REL Strata III subwoofer.

I listen mostly to Progressive Rock, Jazz, Acoustic Blues and Bluegrass. Budget for speakers is $5K or less

I wouldn't claim that these are the "best speakers" to use with the Mahi's, but with mine I am running a pair of Merlin TSM-mmi's and they make wonderful music together. Bobby P of Merlin is a tube lover at heart and while my Merlins sounded fine when I ran them with a Bel Canto S-300 "Class D" amp, they really started to sing with the Manleys. Hope this helps.
I second Merlin speakers with Manley gears. 2005, I ran my TSM-MX with a Stingray, and later a pair of Manley Snappers with them. Then, moved up to a pair of VSM-MX.
Do a search engine, you'll find many pos.threads about Merlin/Stingray.
Good luck.
Not to be rude, but you've got this backwards. Speakers vary far more in sound than amps do, so speakers are the most important component to choose first. Nonetheless, given the low power of the Mahi amps I'd choose some very efficient speakers.

Have you considered a pair of used Legacy Focus? You'll get at least 94db out of the first couple of watts at one meter, and the sound is pretty good too. The Focus is great on jazz and rock.