@cleeds It is likely that harmonics of 22kHz come from percussion instruments, that are not continuous by nature. 100Hz (drum roll) will give you (modulated) 22kHz with bunch of sidebands spaced 100Hz apart. First two sidebands (21.9kHz and 22kHz) will have already very small amplitude and the rest of them can be ignored. Sidebands appear because signal is modulated (not continuous). The danger here is that anything above half of sampling frequency will, in D/A process, fold into 0Hz and up. With 44kHz sampling 22.1kHz will become 100Hz signal and there is no way to remove it. We might not be able to hear 22.1kHz, but will definitely hear 100Hz. I stated that even with 44.1kHz it is very remote possibility and folded-over frequencies will have extremely small amplitudes. 96kHz would eliminate any possibility of this happening while 192kHz is a waste of space on HD, IMHO. I have few plain redbook CDs with such breathtaking quality, that makes me believe that 16/44.1 format is not the limiting factor. 192kHz sampling or 24bit resolution might be important in studio during mixing, to avoid loss of quality, but final product in 16/44.1 is fine with me.