Magico Room at RAMF How good did it sound

Did not go to RAMF this year wanted to know what was Magico showing and how did it sound?
The MINI's are "Classics"!!

I've heard EBM's set-up a while back,and it was about as good as it gets,imo....and I have heard alot of sota equipment over the years.Some NYC based reviewer's had invited me to their homes at times,and few could touch the sonic appeal of my experiences hearing a good MINI set up.....Just my 2 cents.

I find it hard to believe they are not still perfectly viable monitors....of the highest quality!!

In this economy,one must take into account that mfgrs are trying hard to make payroll.Today's products are just fine,but I find it hard to believe that there is not some attempt to cut costs,while still keeping a decent product in front of the consumer,in this day and age.

Here is where an experienced hobbyist like EBM benefits.he's been around long enough to know a few things.....Good luck!

The MINI's were an all out attempt to build a great speaker,with NO attention to cost cutting.The cabinet is stunning and had to be very costly.Personally,I'd far prefer "it" to the metal box designs(though I'm sure they sound fine).

From a sonic standpoint.....Just look at the "numbers"(aside from the real world performance).....Even by today's standards,"Ruler Flat freq response",whether in a new or slightly older design still equates to GREAT PERFORMANCE!

Best to all
EBM keeps his comments very pithy. I like that and they are very often, quite funny. I totally agree with Sirspeedy about the Magico MINI. It was designed and built to a very high standard with little regard to cost. Now that it is discontinued, it deserves its spot among the classics.

I have not heard EBM's system, but I hope to when I'm next in NYC.

EBM, could you please post some system photos?
Usermanual, after the Minis, next on line for Magico, I do like the look of their bigger Qs. Just that to me, this all-black stealth design doesn't work as well implemented onto the tiny Q1.

Long ago, from Mini2s I did contemplate trading up to M5, but couldn't somehow get along with its appearance to live with on daily basis--too squarish and the alum flanges, kinda odd, imo.

Agree, on your take on Goldmund..

So basically what I'm trying to convey here is that for the kind of money, we deserve something that not only sounds great, but 'visually' appealing as well. Fully understood that its subjective, but I bet few would argue that Lambos and Ferraris are beautiful sports cars.
I agree about the M5 looking a bit odd. They are smaller in person than they appear in photos. I actually like the look of the V3, though the aluminum faceplate should have covered the front edges of the plywood sides, like the Q series baffles do. Now that would have been one gorgeous speaker, IMO.

The older Ferraris have a classic beauty to them, as do many of the sports cars from the '60's. Great curves and proportions. They were smaller, lighter and easier for the hobbyist to fix, though I'm too young to have ever owned one.