NOS Tubes - Ecstasy or Agony

I have been running tube amps for many years and have built a number of SETs and other tube amps, kit's mostly.  My main power tubes have been 2A3's and 300bs and I have used mostly new manufacture tubes including JJ's and EML 300b's (great tube btw).  I did use NOS driver tubes and headphone amp tubes.  Never really had a problem.

I just transitioned to a Don Sach's 6sn7 based preamp and McCormack SS power amp.  The preamp is very nice and sounds great with Shugang tubes. Of course, I wanted to try some NOS tubes, went online and did my research.  Now the DS2 is a great preamp, the drawback is it uses 4 6sn7s and so I need to get pairs.  Would  have love to get my hands on the Dehavilland, uses one tube!

First Pair - I ordered some Sylvania's from TC Tubes. Advertised as 50's vintage, ,when I received  them they were marked 60's. Hmmm.  So I tried them and they sounded pretty darn good except after a couple hours one of them developed a high pitched hum, like a florescent bulb. So I sent them back.  

Second Pair - ordered from Brent Jesse - has a good rep online and a really informative website.  Received them and one was dead on arrival, they were also clearly of different construction. So they are going back.

Next will try Andy at Vintage Tubes Services, he also has a solid  reputation so hopefully I can get something that works.

I am curious what experiences others have had. Maybe its COVID, or are these dealers just unreliable, or is just 6sn7's?  Really thought I could just buy some NOS tubes and experiment, I can't even get two to work.

I don't really want to disparage these dealers but I do think all the claims of testing are maybe overblown.
I rarely have issues with my NOS tube orders, especially 6SN7s. I recently ordered some Tung-Sol mouse-ears (highly recommended) from Brent Jesse and they perform well. I wasn’t thrilled with the cleanliness of the tubes though.

Andy of VTS overpacks them for shipping and of the many pairs I’ve ordered from him, all have been reliable. He also polishes the pins, other sellers do not IME. Andy has a penchant for recommending RCAs and each time I’ve been disappointed with their tonal balance. If you buy through him, I suggest skipping the RCAs and going for Tung-Sols or just about any other make you can afford. He basically prices them by their sound quality and detail IME. I’d pretty well ignore what he says about tonal balance. 

I’ve also had great experiences with Bullz Tubes on Ebay. 

For whatever it is worth, I've bought most of my NOS tubes 6SN7s , 12AU7s , 6922s and other preamp tubes, as well as ,rectifiers from Brent Jessee with no issues and full reliability. Bought some NOS rectifiers from TC Tubes no issues, and occasionally some NOS preamp tubes from Tube Depot, reliability wasn't an issue with them as well
Brent is standing behind is product. i spoke with him and we are replacing the tubes with some VT231's.  Hopefully these will work out.

Helomechi - I did order some RCA's from Andy. He does seem to think they are the best sounding.  I need two pair for my DS-2 so I can always use them in the buffer position if they are not as nice as the Sylvania's.  I guess I should bite the bullet and try the Tung Sol's . . .  suppose I am already down the rabbit hole.