Interesting thread. I am in the middle of listening to a number of different NOS and not NOS tubes in my preamp. They range from Telefunken to Valvo's to Siemens to Amperex to Brimar's, etc.
The question I always wonder is what does NOS mean to me New ( and there's the key word!) Old Stock (NOS) should be a BRAND new tube that has been in stock, unused, until purchased by you...the consumer. Unfortunately, this nomenclature doesn't apply to almost all of the tube their new( sic) is everybody else's either a) gently used, b) heavily used or c) maybe used..maybe new!
To that, we see discrepancy in how tubes are tested and what a passing grade is for the tube...some of these very same folk believe that 80% of new is new...some believe that so long as the tube has ok microphony, gain balance and no gas issues--it is new!
Then we have the protocol of how the tube is tested( or not) and what tube testing gear is being used...and lastly what is the expertise of the tube tester in his ability to read/understand and utilize the tester. ( When was the tester last calibrated etc.,). Many questions and not too many answers. OTOH, I am always pleasantly surprised that these NOS tubes really give one a very nice boost in SQ over the current production tubes that are available. ( At a cost in $$).