For those that use an external DAC with node 2i

Please describe the shortcomings of the node2i dac, as well as what to specifically expect to hear as an improvement with a truly better (not just different and external dac). My node seems to have what I'd call a bit dark smoothed sound. Cymbals seem a bit faint, but trying another dac that presents a more forward louder cymbal seems to sound less recessed and smoothed; thereby exchanging a bit of dark(warm?) smooth depth for more forward brighter presence that is more forward enveloping but with less depth. It's weird, because depending upon the song one may sound better than the other. I'm not sure which sound is truly more accurate, or even which one I prefer consistently, but I would like to make a choice and start listening to my music instead of critically analysing each component back-and-forth. Perhaps I'm not using enough of a drastic improvement dac, but I'd like to figure that out too. I do realize a lot of what sounds better to one person is different than what another likes, but so far, I'm leaning towards the dac where the cymbals seem louder/brighter even though it's at the expense of what seems to me to maybe be a darker smoother (illusory lower noise floor?).
Also, I was unable to level match this comparison,  so that adds another variable. The external dac I compared to the node 2i was an old parasound zdac version 1. Perhaps if I sampled a higher end dac like a denafrips or an Ayre coda, etc. I'd see what direction was better for a reference point, but if anybody here has actually done their own evaluations, I'd welcome your input, experience and perspective. Thanks.
you need to also think about whether you want MQA in the external DAC as that's what you have in the node
The Node 2i has a perfectly serviceable DAC, but “good enough” isn’t usually the goal. I noticed an improvement running into an Oppo BDP-105, but the Oppo is limited to 96kHz input through S/PIDF. I’m not saying the sample rate makes a huge difference but I wanted to at least have the option of running the Hi Res material that is out there. Contrary to what some people keep insisting, the Node 2i can output 24/192 over both coax and optical. So while the Oppo opened up all the buzzwords (air, articulation, detail, bass, etc.) over the Node’s internal DAC, it was close enough that I doubt I could identify which I was listening to cold, but it was obvious with an A/B comparison. So I did what most of us would do and decided to throw more money at it. Using a Chord Qutest now and my DAC is at the bottom of the upgrade list. Everything else will need marked improvement before the Qutest becomes the weak link in my system.
An external DAC is not necessary with the Node 2i, but it can definitely be worth it.
When I purchased my BlueSound Node 2i, the dealer convinced me to add a ProJect S2 DAC.  I connected the BlueSound and thought the sound was great.  For some reason I think I can hear a difference when listening to MQA.  I then plugged in the ProJect DAC and the bass sounded much thinner.  I was concerned also by adding a DAC it prevents MQA from unfolding completely.  It would have been nice to listen to a better DAC such as the Cutest.  I talked to another dealer and he suggested buying a Belcanto streamer.  I had not heard of this brand before.
”You can not be certain of the source of the music available streaming. That is why I only listen to physical media.”

So every pressing, every reissue, every care regime, etc etc is exactly the same when the media is physical?  I’ll bet my physical copy of DSOTM sounds different to yours. (Mine was used as a coffee mug coaster for much of the ‘90s. The CD hung above my veg plot to scare away the birds.)