I also do like the Linear Tube Audio integrated amps on the tube side but your speaker choices will be more limited there.
if any tube INT is to be the choice it MUST be auto biased.
as 80% of the music we expereince is made in the first 20wpc, and this effort is targeted at a mid to small size room, I’m sure mating most any INT with most any speaker will work OK.
optimum results here will likely be either a matter of buy try and sell, or do the audiogon shuffle, or become flexible or easy to please otherwise with what ever combo is chosen.
all of the speakers I’ve in mind, or currently own would or should work OK with any decent 30wpc amp.
INTs I’m considering punch out power beyond 30wpc.
speakers I’m more interested in are mostly 2 or 2.5 way w/87db Eff, or higher, and usually spec’d at 8oms.
stand mounted and FS.
keeping strickly to my current plan , is the main problem.
for all intents and purposes I can buy within a bit of sanity, ANYTHING!.
anything that is, of course, I can justify. there won’t be a Vitas 30, or a VAC signature taking up space here. that is a given. I’ve heard both and both are very nice, but that entry fee vs sonic results is an unjustifiable endeavor IMHO.
hence my constirnation revolves around this notion: well, if I’m gonna spend XXXX for ABC, why not spend XXXXX for XYZ instead and then use it in the primary rig later on when I’ve relocated?
Then toooo there is this dog other barking at the aforementioned plan, just get yourself a more up to date amp, dA, and …spkrs while using your present line stage and cabling.
or buy one of the ‘turn key’ rigs your heard lately which boast an INT and speakers or separates and speakers that run about $7K w/o DA, and $10K with a Bryston or Benchmark du jour DA?
and that sports fans is my dilemma in a bit more than a nut shell.
thinking back on this thread perhaps I should have asked for ’turn key’ slam dunk INTs and Spkrs suggestion suitable for office/2nd room streaming and file playfack instead.
Myself, I find many flavors I like very much each with +s and -s so that heavily influences how I think about these things.
me too.
I know you have several speakers.
yes. all are vintage. some entry level as with the Canton bookshelf; Silverline SR 15; Phase tech PC 10.5 & PC 6.5 Std Mt.
sorry, no KEF… merely an interest in them.
thanks much for the link though. really.
why not KISS. Toss out (sell) all the other stuff.
did I mention ‘hoarding’ is my second hobby? lol