True that the node 2i output is only 24/96 if using an external DAC. That being said, resolution isn't everything. Implementation is very important.
A bit like cameras where you chase the megapixels as the only determinate of image quality when there is so much more like lens quality that goes into the equation.
I use wifi and have zero dropouts. I have never considered a hardwired ethernet connection.
I have compared the quality of the same file via a drive hooked into a computer on my network vs the same file on a flash drive connected to the USB input of the node 2i and found little discernable difference. You can't get any more direct than the USB input so I doubt in my set up a direct wired ethernet would make much of a difference.
I have thought about a better power cord for the 2i so thanks for the input on that, lowrider57
A bit like cameras where you chase the megapixels as the only determinate of image quality when there is so much more like lens quality that goes into the equation.
I use wifi and have zero dropouts. I have never considered a hardwired ethernet connection.
I have compared the quality of the same file via a drive hooked into a computer on my network vs the same file on a flash drive connected to the USB input of the node 2i and found little discernable difference. You can't get any more direct than the USB input so I doubt in my set up a direct wired ethernet would make much of a difference.
I have thought about a better power cord for the 2i so thanks for the input on that, lowrider57