Thanks @facten for posting the review of the B4B. I hope the reviewer got it right because what he described is what I hear from the Mystique V3 and exactly why I ordered a B4B:
It sounds organic. It sounds Natural. It sounds like music. The detail and resolution are all there, but never highlighted or overt. Pace and rhythm, toe-tapping yes oh yes. High-frequency extension and low-end oomph? You betcha! How about stage depth, image density and localization, and overall presence? Consider yourself chillin' in the jazz hall, dressed to the nines at the Symphony, or stoned out of your mind from second-hand smoke at the stadium. The DAC belies reviewing because as a digital source, it just doesn't sound digital. Every time I sat down with my notepad to take notes and critically analyze the damn thing, I just ended up listening to music.