Do different streamers really sound different when using an external DAC

Maybe this has been posted before but it seems that often when a post is made where someone has gotten better sound it’s because it was the streamer with included DAC that was changed, not just the streamer. No doubt a better internal DAC,  better file resolution, a better music service, will make a difference.

But I just want to see comparison of streamer to streamer with the same DAC implementation. I am currently using a Bluesound Node2i outputting via Coax into a high quality tube DAC
So here’s the million dollar question.

What have been your experiences in upgrading streamers, keeping everything else the same ie, DAC, cables, output type (Coax)? No doubt better control apps and having a display will elevate your experience but how about just sound quality. Anyone?



In answer to your question "Do different streamers really sound different when using an external DAC?", in my meager experience the answer is ’yes’.
I went from using the Node2i internal DAC to an external Jolida DAC and now a Border Patrol SE-i DAC. With each change in the DAC stage I noted improvements in soundstage and detail.

think you may have misunderstood the op’s question...

but my experience is the same as yours...

same decent streamer like node 2i -----> various outboard dacs results in vastly improved sound quality

changing different streamers -----> same outboard dac sounds basically the same
Silly me!
Yes, total reading comprehension fail on my part. I only got it exactly backwards. LOL
"Never mind." - Emily Latella
Happy listening.

Thanks everyone. I think there are all valid points made.

There is no question that a better external DAC improves on the internal DAC of the Node 2i.  

Seems like the streamer also is key but perhaps not as significant.YMMV!

I suspect it might be a significant point of diminishing returns where one would have to spend a lot more $$$ on a stand alone streamer to have a significant improvement in sound. So many of the top streamers seem to have DACs in them rather than being stand alone so you often need to get the baby with the bathwater so to speak.
FWIW, I found that there was a substantial difference in sound quality with a Pro-ject Stream Box S2 Ultra streamer when turning off the Wi-Fi and HDMI outputs and using an Ethernet cable. Not sure if you can turn off Wi-Fi on the Node 2i.