If you hopped into your time machine and brought back audio gear- what would it be?

So you have a time machine and you could go back to the days when you first started to get interested in and knowledgable of good audio gear- and a genie grants you one audio wish- you can bring back any single component from those halcyon days- what are you coming back with? 
I’m cheating, but bringing back both the early to mid ‘80s Sony TA-E900 & Meridian M100 combo. Excessively fun listening. Go figure . . .
@millercarbon "Wait a minute-I have a time machine. So what do I need with a Genie?"

To open the garage door.
What is a garage door? What I mean is, what is a garage? Here in the future we have no word like that.
...garage....?  Oh, you mean the docking bay for the electric vehicle....

You 'previous era types' have such strange customs....
This worship of glowing glass tubes, heavy amplification devices, fragile plastic grooved discs, and the like make going to the VR museums a nostalgic giggle....People come 'back Now' just to verify that sort of thing really did occur...
In the day, I lusted after the Phase Linear line . . . would grab a 700B, bring it back and have it "modernized".