Cary 306/200 service?

I posted this in vintage as well...really hoping to get an answer.
I have a Cary 306/200 with a sticky drawer that won't close all the way and opens back up. Works a little better if eveything's warmer (our house can be chilly in the winter). It's hard to tell in if the open/close button is a little challenged as well.
Cary no longer services these and I'd love to get it fixed. Otherwise, it works fine and sounds great. I live about 100 miles north of NYC....nestled in the scenic Hudson Valley...
Thanks for your help!
Clean it, (Q-tips and alcohol) and try a little light lube, first..

Strange that Cary doesn't service it.. they will sure take in ANY age amp and do an upgrade for you.. LOL Charge a pretty good sum too. They aren't cheap... 2-4 hours work and some parts. 1K-1500.00.

They don't do 2-500.00 jobs.. Mcintosh sure does.. Something to think about.. I own both Cary and Mac..  only Cary's tube power amps though.

Happy hunting..
Thanks for the response.
I'll try that, then - although I'd rather have someone else do it as I'm clumsy and a little nervous about making things worse.
Clean with isopropyl?
What would be a good lube?

I had the same problem with an Esoteric player. I lubed the transport tray with some Teflon lube in it. Still work well to this day.
