LAMM M1.2 - Feedback - Advice - Please - anyone heard these?

Folks - anyone that can share anything about LAMM or specifically the M1.2 would be greatly appreciated. 
Looking for thoughts on these or LAMM in general. I have never owner this brand and want some advise / feedback and to learn more from actual people / other members.
To provide this you



If you want to know why and what my thinking then please read on.

Thanks so much for anything you can share. 

So here’s what I am up against. 
I want / need that tube goodness in my sound but must also have that SS grip, bass control, transparency and image precision.

Have been looking and trying for the right amp and/or Pre combo mix.
SS alone doesn’t get me there - need that tubeness that only tubes can offer but I only want a little or just enough of that tube goodness.

What I also need just as much or even more is that SS transparency and their hold and tightness and precision. My speakers are not hard to drive but still tube amps are too loose - too wide and soft. Not enough specificity and SS is missing something as well. That natural, real closeness only tubes offer. I need the right blend. 
If I was to guess the sound would be say 83% SS and 17% tubes. Transparency, grip, precision and control is so important to me but then bathed in just the right amount of enough tubeness to just hit the nail right on the head. Yes it’s a tough and picky ask. 

The tube sounding SS gear Pass and Soulution doesn’t get me there. 
SS amps and Tube preamp have not got me there. Each time I tried a different combo I ended up liking my DAC direct over the tube preamp and that of course was not getting me. 
My speakers are pretty easy to drive Focal Sopra 2. I love these. They are bright, tight and raw. Their brightness needs to be tamed with a musical and warmish sounding source and warmish sounding sounding amp/Pre combo. 
My source is a Bricasti M1SE DAC / built in Roon End Point Ethernet Streamer and Preamp all in one. I love the Sopra 2 because they act like monitors with bass. They have the transparency and precision like a monitor. I liked better then Sopra 3 that is more like an excellent floorstander then imitating a monitor with bass. I like Sopra 2 better then my former Magico S5 MKII I had before also. I’ve learned over time what I like and what is most important to me. Extension, speed, transparency, image and sound precision and I don’t need all world bass slam but enough decent bass to do the music justice. Monitor can’t do this without subs but I also need coherence which is so important to the precision and transparency. That is why subs don’t work for me and Sopra 3 or S5 MKII didn’t work also. The Sopra 2 is a monitor lovers dream with monitor like everything but better dynamics and bass but I regress.  With all of this said I’m thinking maybe this LAMM M1.2 can pull off what I’m hoping for and if anyone has any info or similar situation would love some advise, feedback or comments. 
Thanks for the time and help !!!!! 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
Try this for calculations of Duties
From what I know it's from 3.9 - 4.9 % of what you value the item at. Remember if you pay $10,000 and then only value it for $2,000 you can only collect $2000 if any damage occurs. Be careful on this you might save some money on Duties but in the end be out if anything goes wrong.
Post removed 
If it only 5% I will jump on it. I was afraid it might be like 24 - 28%! If it is 5% yes I will claim full price and end all this. Anyway I can confirm? Why is it so hard to figure out? Just want to know duty on $12k amp from EU? 
Lamm being bright or otherwise wrong is a complete nonsense. Another point is match, and yet another point still is personal taste. I think, I understand what the OP wants to accomplish but can't really offer an advice one way or another - Ypsilon or Lamm. How is it possible to decide without comparing side by side or least try one and later another?
I would expect Ypsilon to be lighter and soaring, in a sense, compared to more down to earth Lamm. If I am right, my choice would depend on kind of music that I mostly listened. Some people have two equal but different systems to address just that. Like two tonearms with different cartridges.
The suggestion to pay attention to the source, digital source in this case, is always a good one. But I don't know anything about streamers.