Router Ethernet Cable to Streamer

In my house, the wifi router is 25 feet away from my components. I plan running cat8 underneath the base board as hiding cable above or below room, side walls, exterior cable are not options. Picked a relatively cheap cable to try out first.

Cat 8 Ethernet Cable 30 ft, 26AWG Nylon Braided High Speed Heavy Duty ...

Is it possible to decrease potential electrical noise introduced by the AT&T wifi router with a better router next in the chain? If so, any recommendations? Also, has anyone had success/noticed a discernible difference in SQ by introducing something such as a LAN isolator right before the streaming source? Any constructive feedback or request for additional applicable situational information is welcome. Thanks. 

It depends on how much you can afford (or willing) to spend. If spending $600+ does not outrage you, then introducing an EtherRegen in your chain may make sense
@thyname1 - Thanks for reminding me of the EtherRegen. I looked at this prior to even understanding fiber conversion. At that point, it overwhelmed me, so I continued on. Definitely very interested in these. I'll probable start off with the cheap fiber switches and compare vs straight ethernet. Hopefully the switches give me a cheap high for a while. When I start suffering audiophile withdrawal, the EtherRegen sounds like the next best step...and cheaper than small green's similar solutions. 
Well, EtherRegen can be fed with fiber upstream. If you go fiber route, although not necessary. You can feed EtherRegen with copper Ethernet, the cleaning, isolation, reclocking, happens inside the unit, as long as you cross the moat, A to B. It allows for using a very long cable upstream from the main switch/ router, then if you are willing, you can try a nicer short copper Ethernet cable downstream, from EtherRegen to your streamer
@thyname - Wow. So, with my Nucleus, all I have to do feed Ethernet from router > Nucleus. Feed Ethernet from router to side A of EtherRegen > I can choose to do straight Ethernet or run fiber to Side B > and plug Ethernet into Roon endpoint?
That is correct. And the Nucleus can stay in a totally different room in the house. No need to keep it in the music or media room.

And you can place the EtherRegen right next to your Roon endpoint, that allows for a very short good quality copper Ethernet cable from EtherRegen B port to your Roon endpoint. The Ethernet cable upstream from router to EtherRegen can be long and consumer grade, not a problem whatsoever.

There are people who use fiber with EtherRegen. But that requires an FMC, or a switch with fiber ports. To my ears (I did try with an opticalModule) that’s totally unnecessary, EtherRegen is pretty good isolating your equipment on its own.