Best integrated for my purposes - help me choose 1 of 3!

I did a bunch of research over the weekend and narrowed down choices.  My requirements:  2 channel amp that integrates well with my LS50 - ideally with HT Bypass.  The Ls50s are also part of my HT system.  I can use HT Bypass to send L/R to a 2 channel amp where all of my analog sources are pluged-in.    

1. Outlaw Audio 2160II  ($1k)
2. Parasound Hint6        ($3k)
3. Yamaha A-S1200 (or 2200) ($2-$3.5)

Ok, so right off the bat, the Outlaw will need a 2 amp / 1 speaker switcher - something from Niles maybe.  For $1k it's hard not to consider.  The Parasound is probably the most well recommended of all the choices - it's solid performer.  Yamaha - buy once / cry once.  I'd get years of use with the Yamaha even after the KEFs have been upgraded.

Cost is part of the consideration...  Does the Parasound sound 3x better, not sure, but probably not.  Yamaha 2x better?  Maybe, I've never read a bad review.  Steve Gutenberg suggests that the Outlaw is *very* good bang for buck!  

@glupson7 it will be quite a while replacing tubes on the Raven as the tubes are run with less power which will cause them to last much longer.

I love my Blackhawk.

Last for many years.
@glupson I have the Blackhawk also and it will smoke any Yamaha, Parasound, or the Outlaw.

But for $2995 the OP could buy a Pathos Classic One MK3. Or the Simaudio 240i that is a great SS integrated.

Should quit being being such a DB.

Especially about Schitt you do not know.

@glupson I have the Blackhawk also and it will smoke any Yamaha, Parasound, or the Outlaw.

But for $2995 the OP could buy a Pathos Classic One MK3. Or the Simaudio 240i that is a great SS integrated.

Should quit being such a DB.

Especially about Schitt you do not know.


"Should quit being being such a DB.

Especially about Schitt you do not know."

Classy and astute gentleman that you are, you might have noticed that OP was asking about three amplifiers he had already chosen and not much else.

You may want to forgo judgments about my knowledge of certain equipment or, at least, try to avoid labeling people. If for no other reason, then because it uncovers your personality.


I believe that tubes in Blackhawk last longer than in many other applications, but "rest of your life" is, hopefully, overestimation. Not that SS amplifiers are guaranteed to last forever. I am not surprised you love your Blackhawk. I have heard Raven amplifiers at one audio show and was pleasantly surprised. Just by what I heard there, I have already recommended an audition, or two, to people interested in trying tubes. If I were looking to try tubes myself, I would easily start with Raven.

Having said that, OP really does not seem to be looking for tubes. I may be wrong, though.