Any Ohm Walsh owners using tube amp?

Happy owner of upgraded Walsh 2-100S3s. Sound good in my living room with less than ideal listening setup running off upgraded McIntosh MC250. However, after borrowing a friend's tube preamp I have realized I can get more out of them. I am thinking in terms of a tube integrated to get a full tube experience vs just a preamp.  Had heard a Conrad Johnson 45S2 unit a few years ago in Memphis that was wonderful to my ears but only 45 wrms. Curious if any fellow Walsh owner are or have run tubes and your experience. Looking at more modern units like Rogue CM, Raven, CJ, BAT. Open to suggestions too?
I have slightly upgraded Walsh 3's and I'm running them with a CJ Classic 60SE (60 wpc). I've had these speakers longer than ANY piece of equipment (7+ years) and this combo is my favorite sounding setup yet. However, I've moved to a bigger house and in my current room (20x15x8), my CJ runs out of gas around 95-100 dB. At 90 dB and below, it sounds amazing, and the bass is impressive. (Full disclaimer... I "cheat" by using a Schiit Loki and I DO crank the bass/treble). When I had this system in a smaller room, volume was never an issue.
Ohm Walsh's do seem to like good control over the bass, and most tube amps, due to the output transformers, tend to have a lower dampening factor.  That helps explain the tendency for many Ohm owners to go for higher powered Class D amps. 

That said, I have a set of Ohm 1000s and recently went from a 150 watt/ch Hypex amp to a Class A Schiit Aegir amp that is only about 30 watts a channel into 6 ohms. So far, I have been really pleased; the improvement in the clarity of the midrange has been very noticeable for me. The power does limit my max average volume to around 85 dB, but that happens to correspond with my personal max listening volume these days.  But, that gets to one of my biggest rules -- it is important to have an accurate read of your listening preferences. "Loud" or "medium" by themselves won't do it. Get a sound level meter.

However, we moved recently and the Ohm 1000s are at least one model size too small for the new listening room. I'm actually debating whether I should move to a pair of Ohm 2000s or get myself a subwoofer and only run the 1000s above the crossover point.  It'll be interesting to find out where I end up.
Thx for all the feedback. My room is approximately 13 x 18 with a ceiling rising from 8 to 18 due to an arched ceiling and stairs bisecting the room up to the 2nd floor. 60 tube watts would be more than I have now and is tempting as I have never had a tube amp. But the tube pre  to Class D or A option could be a better way to go given others experience. I guess I need to do more research. My wife would love me to get down to 1 system in this room (2 now), the fewer pieces the better. So that may mean a good hybrid integrated....