Need a good biwire cable pair for b&w 802 d3 speakers?

I have biwire cables but need 2 more feet so I need new cables. Saw k4b biwire cables 13 ft for $82 a pair.

amp used is a Macintosh.  Any ideas?
A C note, to 20k

Used is gonna be your best friend.. Is that a SS or Valve amp? My valve gear likes good heavy copper, I haven't got a chance to try a 7N copper 12t weave. I bet it's perfect.
SS you might use a good silver clad wire and silver over copper ends or red copper. NO Gold. It will take a while to break in. I love Mac with the right cables. Usually it's a pretty simple construction for them..
GREAT power supply goes a long ways.

Brand? LOL Happy hunting though.

Have Blue Jeans make you a pair of Canare 4S11 bi wire cables for less than $200.00. Nothing else will come close for the quality of sound.  
Suggest staying away from silver conductors. Agree the Canare would be a cable to explore as they have a fairly neutral character and maybe a little laid back. Very nice cable. Just get a single run and use jumpers... not a biwire pair. Needs a couple hundred hours to settle in so don’t get in a hurry.